We find the right person for your project
Uniqon has in a few years established itself as a reputed company in project development and recruitment of professionals.
Every business has its own characteristics
Obtaining information in companies is an important part of our client work. The better we know your business, the easier and faster help will be in place. We place great emphasis on careful assessment of compatence, and spend a lot of time to recruit people with relevant qualifications. We often find that the project staffs ecentually get the position on a permanent basis, which tells us that our crew is of high quality.
First choice
Uniqon has become a first choice for many companies that will ensure good professionals for the future. The foundation of our work always begins with first understanding customer needs, expectations and visions. Our strategy is quality through continuous improvement. We therefore appreciate feedback from clients and candidates. Our processes and tools are continuously improved in order to deliver the quality that our customers can expect. We address both large and small – and medium-sized enterprises.
"Our concept is built on good relations with our customer network and the professionals that becomes a part of our vendors"
We are established in Sunnhordland. We own a subsidiary Tech Maris UAB in Lithuania, a reputable and well known recruitment company in engineering, manufacturing operations and crew coordination of shipping companies. In addition we have a network of partners in recruitment of engineers / operators in several European countries. We interview, obtain references, approve and evaluate all of our employees. This is how we in the best possible way can provide employees who work problems efficiently and professionally. We have great latitude in own candidate databases.